1. Age does NOT matter

2 min readMay 19, 2022
The Defining Decade by Dr. Meg Jay is one of the most influential books I’ve read so far in my 20s!

In all the teams I joined, I was almost always the youngest. I’ve worked mostly with millennials (25–41 years old) and Gen X (42–57), all of which have way more professional work experience than me.

I’ve been in situations where I report directly to either the company director or founder, where the work I deliver sets the brand’s public image.

It can be intimidating for a young starter to be around these professionals regularly, top it off with the multiple high-pressure and time-sensitive projects.

What mattered in that setting is not age, but your ability to deliver.

And I believe that ability is determined by your experience and drive.

BTS when I was shooting a video about creativity for a YouTube video.

Having been a creative thinker since I was young, I have been honing my creative skills for years. Come the time when I started my creative career, I already have a head start and was now in the process of discovering the depths of my potentials.

Your age won’t matter so long as you’re skilled, driven, and mature. Focus on these things more than thinking that your youth makes you the ‘underdog’.

Once you’ve shown what you can do and how you do things, it’s what will matter the most.

Read more life lessons during my early years in the workforce.




Life things for fellow 20somethings. (Also stuff I want to remind my future self hihi)